Medical marijuana caregivers in Michigan are being squeezed out by Michigan legislation currently as a direct result of the corporate takeover of our legislation.

The package of bills approved by the Regulatory Reform committee include:
HB 5300: Allows sale to and from licensed specialty medical growers.
HB 5301: Creates a license for a specialty medical grower.
HB 5302: Requires specialty medical growers to use a tracking system.
HB 5319: Exempts the sale of marijuana from a registered primary caregiver or licensed specialty medical grower to a registered qualifying patient from the use tax.
HB 5320: Updates a reference to definition of debilitating medical condition in the public health code.
HB 5321: Exempts the sale of marijuana from a registered primary caregiver or licensed specialty medical grower to a registered qualifying patient from the sales tax.
The state of Michigan boasts about the millions in tax revenue and the obvious cash cow of participating in the sale of a schedule 1 substance. Meanwhile thousands of folks are sitting in prison for marijiana while Michigan legislators druel over 2 billion a year in revenue in the exact same business? On what planet do we live on? Our government is going to sell a schedule 1 substance for profit?
Of course we can all see the need to move forward here in Michigan and most of us agree that patients deserve access to their meds. This author doesn't believe anyone that voted for medical marijuana would agree with this corporate invasion.
Michigan's caregivers have proven beyond any doubt that we are some of the best and most experienced in the world. Our existence is not a threat to anyone or any bottom line. This campaign against us is as fabricated and transparent.
Michigan had the opportunity to lead the world in cannabis. Michigan legislation sold us (patients and caregivers) out for cocaine Cowboys and corporations instead.
The obvious solution moving forward for caregivers will be to abandon the Michigam Medical Marijuana program to operate under a much more lenient and practical world of recreational marijuana.
1 plant. 1 light. 2 pounds. That is the new formula for success.
Classes starting very soon.
Uncle Pete